Use Every Penny!

"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."

Bill Keane

Dear One,

As we look mid-October in the face, please get serious about finding and using your "old version" Yarnology gift cards. They expire on October 31, 2024 and I really want you to spend every cent.

You have 21 days...which isn't enough time to form a good habit or get physically fit. But it IS enough time to choose some fabulous yarn for yourself.

How to tell if you have an "old" gift card or a "new" one? Check the back.

If your card is the "old version", it has only a bar code on the back, like the one above. Our new gift cards have a QR code (and do not expire):

Your Yarnologists are happy to help with ideas and suggestions. Come to think of it, have you seen the new Union Cowl Kit from Malabrigo & Blue Sky Fibers? It is a stunner and I'm fairly sure will sell out quickly.

So go through your old handbags and backpacks and wallets. Check the pockets of your favorite down vest. Find them all. And then come in and treat yourself. If you cannot come in, call us. The old cards are do not work for a direct online purchase, but we'll take your order via the phone.

Twenty one days seems like an ample amount of time, but October is a busy month and will fly by. Treat yourself soon!

