Can You Hear Me Now?

“The challenge is not to be perfect—it is to be whole.”

Dear One,
A couple of weeks ago, I started encouraging myself (and maybe you) to create a pair of mitts in October. When I began my diatribe, it was still pretty darned summery. So you are completely forgiven if you scoffed. I get it. It's hard to be focused on things for keeping your hands warm while you are still enjoying the last of the summer tomatoes.
But now. Now, when your deck is covered in autumn leaves. Now, when your neighbor seems to have an entire focus group of pumpkins on their front steps. Now, when you're holding your hands over the vent ducts in the car in the morning to get every morsel of heat. Now, do I have your attention?
I thought so. And, perhaps a wiser woman would have waited until now to begin nudging you toward crocheting or knitting a pair of mitts for yourself. I am not her.
Last week was a great time to start making mitts. This week is another great time to begin making mitts. Next week? Also fabulous. Sign up for our October Mitt-Along and let us know what you're making!
I'm almost done with my first mitt using the Varenna Fingerless Mittens pattern by lowkey bold knit. The texture is calming and lovely and doesn't overwhelm the amazingness of the Schoppel Edition 3 yarn and its fun color changes (dk weight, superwash merino). The designer says to plan on using 60g, but I don't have small hands and I'm going to easily get a pair of mitts out of my 50g ball--which makes me happy.
If you're looking for pattern inspiration, check out our curated Mitt Bundle, which includes both knit and crochet ideas.
If you're new to knitting or crochet, try making a rectangle, folding it in half, and stitching it up on the doubled edge (leaving a gap in the stitching for your thumb). It's basically a dishcloth gone rogue.

In this beautiful time of year it's easy to find yourself suddenly busier than you'd like. And the temptation is to put off doing the things that nurture order to get the "important" stuff done. A small, manageable, uplifting project might be that sweet spot between too much time spent working with your hands and too little. You'll know what's right for you.
P.S. I know I am repeating myself, but please remember to spend your "old" gift cards (anything with a bar code on the back) by October 31.