A Circle of Making

"I really believe you are the company you keep and you have to surround yourself with people who lift you up because the world knocks you down."

Maria Shriver

Dear One,

I have made vast pots of hearty soup. I have brewed and enjoyed lots of tea. I have pulled my biggest, dreamiest comforter ontoa my bed. I am wearing the cozy sweaters and the fabulous fleecy boots on an almost daily basis. These are part of the fun of living in the almost-tundra of Minnesota in the middle of January.

And yet. Even though I'm working on a sweater I love and even though Mabel the Cat often tucks herself into a very cozy loaf on my lap...I'm beginning to feel like something is missing. My winter knitting is beginning to feel a bit too solitary (please don't tell Mabel). I'm craving the company of other makers.

Apparently I am not the only one. We've been hearing wistful comments in the shop. I see the Yarnologists themselves leaning toward more gathering/making time.

And we are in a perfect situation to make such a thing happen: we have a warm, welcoming space, there are times when the shop is not open that could be made available, and who doesn't crave a little extra spark of community in the winter?

We initially thought an after hours thing might work. And it might...when the daylight hours are a bit more generous in the evenings. So, because it's winter--and we don't want to wait for spring--we are inviting you (and your besties) to a Makers Morning each month.

The first one is happening THIS SATURDAY, January 18. 10am to Noon. A $10 investment reserves you a seat. You get $5 store credit to use that day. So this soul-nurturing experience costs about as much as a latte. Save your space here. And, since we know you'll have spent your latte money, you can make a cuppa (basic coffee or tea) at the shop to keep you going.

All makers are welcome to join the community. Bring your embroidery, your drop spindle, your crochet, your mending, your knitting, your indecision. This is a hive-mind situation, so think about bringing that project you're struggling with--get a vote from the group on whether to finish it or forget it and move on.

What this is not: a class, a place of judgement, a situation involving homework, a lecture, a sales pitch, a private lesson, a stitch and bitch.

What this is: a chance to meet others who love similar things, a chair of your very own for a couple of hours, an opportunity to help someone new to the craft you know well, an opportunity to ask a question that's been stumping you, a stitch and uplift.

We need a minimum of 5 sign-ups to open the doors...and we promise to cap attendance, so it never feels crowded.

If you are a friend of Yarnology, but live in a distant spot, please do not be sad that you cannot join us for Makers Morning this month. I think the potential for a morning of making with amazing human beings exists wherever you find yourself. Perhaps there's a great yarn shop in the area doing a similar thing. Or you might find yourself inspired to create a parallel experience at your local coffee shop on Saturday morning. Maybe your neighborhood is craving a reason to gather and create...and you can welcome people to sit around your table.

Follow your heart,
